Benefits of Membership

Benefits of Membership

  • Inter-change of ideas and knowledge among member companies
  • Networking opportunities with industry players and potential business partners
  • Leverage on the varied strength and expertise of member companies for effective collaboration to win local or overseas business
  • Provision of industry-relevant training that develops the expertise of member companies
  • Access to water-related information on new technologies, business trends and opportunities
  • Involvement in internationally renowned exhibitions and conference to showcase the capabilities of member companies
  • Staging of seminars and forums for the benefits of members
  • Maintenance of a database to showcase the capabilities of member companies on the association website
  • Promotion of member capabilities, either as individual companies or as members of association, in the global market
  • Links and partnership with other world-renowned water bodies
  • An industry voice and a platform for governments to consult on water industry related matters
  • Access to SWAT eLearning and 24/7 Digi Expo